UV Disinfection Plant
Ultraviolet technology is a non-chemical approach to disinfection where nothing is added. This process is simple, inexpensive and requires very low maintenance.e
Ultraviolet rays are used to disinfect water by inactivating harmful microorganisms through damaging their nucleic acid. If not inactivated, bacteria will form colonies, viruses form plagues and protozoan cysts attack a host or tissue culture. These microorganisms cause gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery, amoebic dysentery, hepatitis and much more.
In the normal treatment process, the water after passing thro Sediment Cartridge and Carbon Cartridge is sent into a disinfection unit (UV) for complete sterilization. UV Sterilizers are built on the germicidal property of UV Radiation at 2537 angstorm unit capable of destroying the DNA of bacteria, virus, algae, fungi and other microorganisms. These units are built with high efficiency UV lamps surrounded by quartz glass sleeves to isolate the bulbs from direct water contact. The quartz sleeves which are physically and chemically inert also ensure very high transmission of UV energy with lesser losses.
 Flow range for the treatment is from 120 LPh to 10,000 0 LPH |
Environmentally clean technology since no chemicals are required for the process |
No known toxic or significant nontoxic by-products are formed during the process |
Leaves no smell, taste or any other residual effects in the purified water |
Requires relatively very little contact time |
All pathogenic microorganisms are effectively inactivated |
Removal of organic compounds / contaminants from the water |
Apart from disinfection, UV is also used for reduction of TOC, Ozone destruction and Tertiary waste water treatment |
User-friendly and simple operations |
Minimal system maintenance requirements |
Reduced Capital costs |
Point-of-use system for domestic and customized requirements |
Aircrafts, Boats and such other vehicles |
Swimming pool and hot tubs |
Farms, ranches & trailer parks |
School and Hotels |
Aquarium, hatcheries and nurseries |
Ice-making |
Brewery, winery, soft drinks, fruit drinks |
Dairy Processing, |
Pharmaceutical production |
Laboratories, Hospitals and Clinics |
Pathology labs and kidney dialysis |
Cosmetic and electronic production |
Pre-treatment and Post-treatment to packaged RO plants. |
