Our Products


We manufacture and export industrial water softeners. Soft water greatly reduces the scaling of pipes, taps, geysers and other bath fixtures. It reduces spotting of glasses and other crockery. Soft water also helps detergent clean your clothes better and also increases the lather in your bath water. Our industrial water softeners operates using an "ion exchange" process.

The hardness in the water is mainly due to an excess of Magnesium and Calcium content in your water. Hard water enters the exchanger containing cation resin beads .These resins have soft sodium ions attached to them, an ion exchange process takes place with the hard mineral ions, (normally calcium and/or magnesium), and during this contact, simply trade places with the soft sodium ions. After a calculated period of use, the sodium ions are eventually depleted and are replaced by calcium and magnesium ions. Then the resin has to be regenerated by common salt to regain its earlier efficacy. Commercial water softeners are used in a wide variety of industrial applications like boilers, cooling towers and other specialized applications.

They are also widely used in the intitutional and residential sector to prevent scaling in tiles , fittings and pipelines. Models are sized on requirement and water characteristics. Manual, semi- automatic and fully automatic versions of the softeners are available

Water Softeners are also widely used in the intuitional and residential sector to prevent scaling in tiles , fittings and pipelines. Models are sized on requirement and water characteristics. Manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic versions of the softeners are available.

Softening is the process of bringing down the hardness content in the water. The design of the plant is based on two

factors. Total hardness present in the water and the desired output between regeneration. In a softener, the salts
which induce hardness in the water are substituted by another soft salt through a process termed as ion exchange.

Softening the water by ion exchange resin is also known as base exchange softening. It is the most common and probably the easiest method of removing hardness (ie., Ca and Mg) from water and render the water suitable for utility purposes. As the name implies, ion exchange is a process in which undesirable ions are exchanged for more desirable ions.
The softening process consists of passing raw water containing hardness through a bed of cationic (sulfonated polystyrene) resins supersaturated with sodium. In this process, the cationic resins used in the softener unit act as an exchange point where calcium and magnesium in the water are absorbed by the resins and the sodium present in the resins is let out. Calcium and magnesium both being divalent displace the monovalent sodium and gets attached to the resin.

Raw water will continue to get softened till the resins get saturated with hard salts. After one service cycle, the resins have to be regenerated with brine (salt) solution. Softener resin is regenerated by sodium chloride of 10- 15 % concentrations. The brine solution stored in the dosing tank is injected into the softener through the ejector which in turn revitalizes the resins and the softener is now ready for the next service cycle. The concentrated sodium replaces the trapped calcium and magnesium ions which are discharged in to the waste water. The excess salt and other impurities are washed out during the rinsing phase.

Air scour extended backwash

Ion exchange resin tends to break up after prolonged usage under varying flow and pressure conditions. This is known as attrition loss and is normally considered as 5-7% per annum. These resin fines if not removed tend to choke up the bed and increase the pressure drop across the bed. Thus the flow through the unit is reduced. The fines on the top of bed gets removed in normal backwash but some fines which go deep into the resin bed is not removed.
To remove these fines extended backwash along with air scouring is given. This step is recommended based on the assessment done by our technical personnel. In case the raw water has turbidity and suspended solids more than the permissible limits, a Macro Filter should be given as pre-treatment to Softener. Macrofilter is an essential pre-treatment in large scale softeners.

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